Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Well

Recently I went to a Young Adults retreat called "The Well." I went here because I needed time away from the busyness of school, work, and personal life. I know I am posting about it about 9 days later, but better late than never!

This weekend taught me a lot on how to strengthen my faith and walk closer to God. A point of this weekend was to narrow down out of many things, ONE thing that would help lead to transformation in my relationship with God. This one thing was to SLOW DOWN, LEAVE TIME FOR GOD (GOD SPEED)!

Since then, I have been writing a journal on what I've been doing as a part of the ONE thing. It has definitely taught me to draw closer to God. One verse that I just thought of right now related a bit to this is Philippians 4:13- "I can do all this through him [Christ] who gives me strength." (NIV) This is definitely a thought to continue each day and remind me that because I am going further in my time with God, I am being strengthened by him :).

That is all for now.
Feel Free to ask me about the weekend if you'd like, I'd love to talk!

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